Saturday, December 8, 2012

My Week in Photos :: Random

Today, when I transferred the pictures from my camera to my computer I realized that I really did not take that many pictures this week.  I spent the majority of the week finishing holiday gifts.  This time tomorrow I will be done!  Ready to ship in the next couple of days.  That feels good.  So, my week in photos:
 The first of December was the kick-off of the holiday party season.  Starting with a baby shower.  At a bar.  My kind of shower.  Followed by two more parties:  a fabulous birthday/holiday party (my baked mac n cheese was a hit  - with all the vegan and gluten free food on the table there were folks that were craving the pasta, butter and cheesy goodness) and Hamageddagain, an annual party of epic meat proportions.  Great times all around.  Connecting with old friends and meeting new friends.

We found this beauty on our Sunday morning walk.  Perhaps a Amanita muscaria?  We still need to invest in an identification book.  I looked about for a hookah smoking caterpillar but there was not one to be found.  Maybe another day.

 In the evenings, if the fire is going, this is where you will find Fletcher.  I am not sure that I would use the brick pad as a pillow but he seems to enjoy it. 

We are continuing to see rainbows.  One or two a week for the last five weeks.  I love it.  I like to think that where we are is a manifestation of the "pot of gold".  Creating our own brand of luck, one day at a time.

 To my delight, there is a new yarn shop on Main Street.  I stopped in briefly to check it out.  Honest to goodness real yarn and friendly proprietors.  

 Something new for me to geek out on.  Doctor Who.  How did I wait this long?  Started and finished Season One this week.  Starting Season Two immanently thanks to a wonderful friend who is lending me her set.

I am becoming more and more comfortable up in the woods by myself.  I am still the only one that has not seen the bear, just his scat.  On a regular basis.  Ha!  I took a quick spin in the backyard yesterday and found a few more chanterelles.  Just enough for an egg dish in the morning.

How was your week?


  1. I've never watched Dr. Who either. Let me know how it is!

  2. I am really enjoying it! Stephen, not so much!

  3. i keep wondering when i will enter my doctor who phase. i am so happy to be your bloggin friend now too!!!! love. one day at a time, the luck bucket fills. i love that.

  4. I am so happy to be your blogging friend as well! Yay! Doctor Who is awesome...I need to get back up to Portland and exchange season two for season three. I have questions that need answered.
