Monday, February 18, 2013

Sitting in the Corner

Last week was productive.  I applied for a number of jobs, had one interview and set up another for this week.  I also received a few rejection letters.  That was a bit of a bummer.  I suppose it goes with the territory.  I just pulled out the knitting and instantly felt better.  Wool, it is a cure all.

We also had a delicious dinner and an evening full of laughter with great friends.  Laughter is also a cure all.

Signs of Spring are continuing to pop up all around us.

This snowdrop is close to opening.  The wildebeest in the back ground is on the prowl.  I would advise that you make no sudden movements when he is this focused. 

The tulips have started coming up as well.  Scout loves tulips.  I love Scout.

On the bridge over the river.  Another week full of blue skies.  I will continue to take Oregon winters over Indiana winters.  Rain?  What rain?  I am sure that I will regret this statement in April, May and June!

 The morning sun coming through the trees in the backyard.  This also my view from the kitchen window.  I have never enjoyed doing dishes as much as I do now.  With this view, how could you not enjoy doing the dishes?

Morning walks continue to set the pace for our days.  We are averaging three miles a day at the moment.  Most days more as we are starting to incorporate an evening walk into our routine.

I watched this bird flying for quite awhile the other day.  I am not sure what kind of bird it was.  Based on the way it was circling around I think it was definitely a bird of prey.

I had forgotten that February is actually Girl Scout Cookie Month.  A special shout out goes to the girls who set up a table outside the grocery store.  I was able to score my years supply of Victory Cookies (they freeze wonderfully and I really do make them last for the whole year)!

Lately, when I come into the living room, I find Fletcher sitting in the corner.  I really wish that I knew what he was thinking while seated there.  Is he:  communicating with the Cylons, choosing a book to read, contemplating the meaning of life, or plotting to take over the planet?  I think he is communicating with the Cylons and has granted them access to the Defense Mainframe.  Okay, so maybe I have been watching quite a bit of Battlestar Galactica this is so good.

How was your week?


  1. 1. love your photos,especially the view from the kitchen sink. 2. Envy your early Spring-ish popping-up-of-the-flowers. 3. Thank you for the delightful snail-mail! Now I have your out!

    1. 1. Thank you. 2. Even more popping-up-of-the-flowers in the last two days! 3. I consider myself warned! xxxx
