Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Week in Photos:: Fog vs Mist

This week found me mostly confined to the house.  Specifically to the bed and/or my chair.  I knew last Monday that something was not quite right with my lower back and my left leg.  I ignored it.  Bad idea.  I should really know better by now.  Honestly Fox!  By Tuesday night, I was in quite a bit of pain.  Uncomfortable standing or sitting.  Add a car ride of two hours to Portland and back to the mix and Wednesday morning found me unable to move without excruciating pain.  (Sidenote:  the party was wonderful.)  

Even though I was in pain I still got out and tried to walk.  Stephen says that it is really more of a "shuffle".  Today finds me feeling much better.  Not 100%, but much better.

The weather this week has been incredible!  We have not had rain in days.  Blue skies and sunshine. Each day, sometimes in the morning, other times the afternoon or early evening there was a magical...fog?...mist?...that blanketed the valley and hills around us. 

A few years back, we were here in Oregon on vacation and staying out at the coast.  We had a room right on the water.  It was early in the fall and the weather was just right for leaving the window open.  The sound of the waves crashing lulling us to sleep.  I am a very active sleeper.  I move a lot.  I talk a lot.  My dreams are extremely vivid.  I also have awful night terrors as well.  I am an absolute joy to sleep next to!  On this particular night, I woke up and there was a mist covering the ceiling.  It was beautiful.  I woke Stephen up so that he could share is this magical moment with me.  
Me:  Babe, wake up.  There is a mist covering the ceiling.
Stephen:  Mist?  Mist?  Shit!  Do you mean smoke?!?!  Is the room on fire?!?!
Me:  No, it is a mist!  Isn't it beautiful?  Don't you see it?
Stephen:  No.  There is no "mist" on the ceiling.  You are asleep.
I saw that mist all night long.  No joke.  Every time I "opened" my eyes it was there.  Beautiful.  Mystical.  Magical.
So this week I captured many photos of the fog/mist.    Fog?  Mist?  You decide!  I see a magical mist.
fog 1  (fôg, fg)
1. Condensed water vapor in cloudlike masses lying close to the ground and limiting visibility.

mist  (mst)
1. A mass of fine droplets of water in the atmosphere near or in contact with the earth.

The blue skies and sunshine I mentioned?  Here you go.

And because I can't help myself.  Here are a couple of the kids!

How was your week?


  1. beautiful pictures! and i'm so happy you're feeling better! xoxo

  2. I love misty mornings! And my geeky self can't help but notice a few things. Picture 6 shows some serious erosion and complete lack of a healthy, natural riparian zone, and picture 3 shows evidence of riparian plantings (white tubes along left bank). What watershed is this?

  3. All of these pictures are of the Coastal Fork of the Willamette. The river is really low right now since they drained the reservoir...not sure if that is a contributing factor or not. As for picture 3, those are actually some sort of turquoise tube...we have not been able to figure out exactly what they are.
