Peeps -
I am going to be gone from this space for a week or more. We have decided to have satellite Internet installed at the house. Our neighbors got it a couple of months ago and they have had great success with it. So, until then, I will not be going into town for a Wi-Fi connection. It was really starting to wear on me...I was spending more money at restaurants than I liked to use their connection and I was finding it hard to concentrate (especially at the Mexican restaurant when a local would load up the jukebox with Nickelback...ugh).
Friday, January 25, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
On & Off the Needles
First, the last two excruciation textiles of 2012:
The mini fox was made for me by the extremely talented Kara. This was just the knitting I needed to restore my faith. I tried for a great picture of myself wearing both stoles but I was not photogenic that evening. It happens. Someday a great photo of me with these two lovelies will be captured and I will share it then!
Follow up on the remaining WiPs from 2012::
The blanket is finished and in the mail! It deserves a whole post of it's very own. Stay tuned for the complete details on the whole painstaking process. And the soul crushing bout with gauge....sigh.
Baby Genius Burp Cloth by Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne
These burp cloths are my "go to" knitted baby gift for family and friends. They are quick and I really enjoy making them. I equally enjoy making a matching bib. The green burp cloth still needs and bib to complete the set. I am working on having a couple sets put up so that I am not interrupting current projects to make a baby shower gift.
Yarn: Pisgah Yarn & Dyeing Co., Inc. Peaches & Creme Ombres & Solids (discontinued)
Back in December, I needed a bit of pick-me-up knitting to restore my faith in knitting. Changes in gauge can be soul crushing...especially when it occurs on a certain blanket you had been working on for close to two years. Much, much more on that later. So, I was fiddling about in the stash (because petting yarn does make me feel better when I am down) and remembered that last year (thanks to my mom) I had bought the yarn to make this::
(Ms.) Mr. Fox Stole my Heart by tiny owl knits
Yarn: Rowan Cocoon in Amber
Rowan Alpaca Cotton in Rice
Rowan Kid Classic in Smoke
The mini fox was made for me by the extremely talented Kara. This was just the knitting I needed to restore my faith. I tried for a great picture of myself wearing both stoles but I was not photogenic that evening. It happens. Someday a great photo of me with these two lovelies will be captured and I will share it then!
Kerchief Scarf by Joelle Hoverson
Wisdom Yarns Poems in Tokyo
My LYS (Textiles A Mano) had a holiday gift exchange back in December and I participated. I received a skein of Wisdom Yarns Poems and some peppermint lotion. When I got home that evening, I cast on the kerchief scarf immediately and finished it the next day. I added a button hole and button. I love it. I normally do not wear pink or fuchsia but I really like the bold stripes of it in this scarf.
Guernsey Wrap by Jared Flood
Brooklyn Tweed Shelter in Thistle
The wrap is done and wonderful. It really is everything I hoped it would be. I had relatively no trouble at all reading the chart this time around...except for the one small detail I failed to notice.
What detail you ask? The tiny little arrow pointing you back in the other direction for the even numbered rows. Yes, it makes a huge difference it turns out. Knitting can be so very humbling. So, I had the pleasure of knitting half of this wrap twice! I know, lucky me.
Recently, after I finished my Guernsey, SouleMama posted this blog. How perfect is the Dustland Hat and Mitts by Stephen West? I need them to go with my wrap! I want to use Shelter for the hat and Loft for the mitts. Now the hard part, what color? Soot, stormcloud or truffle hunt? So many wonderful choices. Of course, it will really come down to what Knit Purl has in stock.
Follow up on the remaining WiPs from 2012::
I decided to frog my Pagoda. I dig the pattern and love the yarn but the two together were not compatible. I have plans to make this with the yarn (why yes, I do have a thing for Stephen West scarves) and I think the madelinetosh in the colorway mare that I have is going to make a breathtaking Pagoda.
The blanket is finished and in the mail! It deserves a whole post of it's very own. Stay tuned for the complete details on the whole painstaking process. And the soul crushing bout with gauge....sigh.
My Knitting Goals for 2013:
1. Socks...they are coming folks. For realz. I do believe that I have figured out how to turn a heel.
2. Lace. I have started a Lace KAL for 2013. Four projects, one each quarter. So far, AustraKnits is in for all four and knitsnips is down for Bigger on the Inside. Contact me if you are interested in joining us. Casting on for Multnomah will take place this week or next (Jennie are you still interested?).
a. Multnomah
b. Larch
c. ZuZu Petals
3. Stranded Color Work. I have already started on this one. Textiles a Mano offered a class these past two Sundays on stranded color work. It was brilliant and I learned quite a bit. So far, this is the only color work pattern I will definitely be making.
a. Intwined Bag
a. Intwined Bag
4. Continue to knit from the stash. With the exception of the Dustland hat & mitts, Bigger on the Inside and the four Intwined Bags.
So what is on or coming off your needles?
So what is on or coming off your needles?
My Week in Photos :: Around the Lake
The Cottage Grove Dam was completed in 1942 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It "stores up to 33,000 acre-feet of
water and provides valuable flood control as well as irrigation,
recreation and improved navigation downstream. The area is also managed
to provide habitat for a wide variety of wildlife species, including
waterfowl, blacktail deer, upland game birds, songbirds, bald eagles,
osprey and many other species," according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers website.
We have observed the osprey and a great number of other birds. No bald eagles, yet.
Currently, we are averaging 2-5 miles each day around the lake. Once again, this weeks weather was amazing. To cold for rain but mostly full of sunshine and blue skies. Here are some of my favorite photos from the week.
The pack taking a break before heading back home.
How was your week?
Monday, January 14, 2013
My Week in Photos :: Random
I am feeling SO much better. I was able to get back out each morning and walk. No shuffling. Full range of motion! Birds were going to be my theme this week but the birds were not cooperating and I was not stealthy enough!
I captured quite a few photos of this little bird. It was delightful to watch. Flying from branch to branch.
Moss and lichen continue to fascinate me. It is everywhere. Covering everything.
Fletcher loves the rhododendrons. They are just right for back scratching and chewing. I am concerned for all of them because they are budding and blooming. In January!
The kids got much needed baths and for their good behavior we got them new toys. The toys are now destroyed thanks to one I.M. Fletcher. That jaw and those teeth. Weapons of Mass Destruction!
Bones. We are finding lots of them on our walks. Horse? Elk?
How was your week?
Friday, January 11, 2013
Handmade Holidays Recap
"The force is strong with this one."
The force was fleeting for awhile with these quilts as they were started in the fall of 2011. I had every intention of having them completed for the 2011 holidays. But like most projects, this project got put on the back burner. There were even a few delusional moments during our packing and moving across the country that I thought they might have been completed this past May. Ha! My studio doubles as our guest room so in between guests this summer and fall, I channeled the force and worked for a couple hours each day to insure that the blankets were done in time for this holiday season.
When it came time to decide on the tie downs and binding, I had a difficult time settling on a color. Each nephew has a different favorite color. Purple, red and green. That was the route I was going to take. But then I started thinking. Or in this case, over thinking. There are a lot of politics going on in these blankets. The Empire vs the Rebel Alliance. Good vs Evil. Could I use red? Would I be unfairly aligning one nephew with the dark side? The only two people I shared these thoughts with assured me (while laughing) that I was definitely over thinking this. Just to be safe, I used some Rowan denim yarn I had in my stash and made my own binding out of denim. Because denim is neutral...right? Making the binding was great fun! I used this tutorial. My mitered corners did not look as neat but this was a first for me.
Now, the knitting!
For my sisters, I made hat/cowl/mitten sets. The Sideways Grande Cloches were quick and easy to make. So quick that I am wanting to make myself one as well! The same is true with the GAP-tastic cowl. The Bittersweet Gauntlets were indeed bittersweet. Knit flat and seamed. It felt as if they were never ending and that was just the first one. The Fast & Fearless Fingerless Mitts were just as their name states. Fast and fearless. I enjoy working with alpaca and the Loop of Luxury allowed me to indulge in that simple pleasure.
Hat - Sideways Grande Cloche by Laura Irwin in Cascade 128 Superwash
Cowl - GAP-tastic by Jen Geigley in Cascade 128 Superwash
Gauntlets - Teak Bittersweet Gauntlets by Laura Irwin in Textiles A Mano Caricia
Hat - Sideways Grande Cloche by Laura Irwin in Cascade 128 Superwash
Cowl - Loop of Luxury by Cathy Carron in Misti Alpaca Hand Paint Chunky
Mitts - Fast and Fearless Fingerless Mitts by Ellen Rodgers in Cascade 128 Superwash
For my BFF, I made the BFF Cowl and a set of the Toasty fingerless mitts. It was this project that lead to the purchase of my beloved Signature Needles. The stilettos are the only needle that I could easily purl five together and make fifteen stitches from one stitch! Seriously, all the other needles I own could not get the job done (and I tried them all). This week I started on my matching BFF Cowl. I hope to have it finished in the next month or so. The Toasty mitts were quick and I have some Rowan Tweed that is screaming to be knit up in this pattern...for me of course!
BFF Cowl by Ysolda Teague & tiny owl knits
Yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Luscious Single Silk in PDX City of Roses
Blue Moon Fiber Arts Woobu in Manly yes, but I like it too!
Yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Luscious Single Silk in PDX City of Roses
Blue Moon Fiber Arts Woobu in Manly yes, but I like it too!
Toasty by Leslie Friend
Yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Woobu in Manly yes, but I like it too!
For my four funky nieces, I made four funky bear cowls. This pattern is so much fun! I used Lion Brand Homespun for the three nieces that are sisters. Purple is where is it at for two of them (the third is still a bit young to articulate her favorite color). The pattern calls for Jiffy Quick & Thick and the weekend I went to JoAnns they were pretty much sold out of every color, so Homespun it was for the three three different purples with three different funky buttons. I was able to get two skeins of the Jiffy Quick & Thick in Eggplant for my other niece (she calls it her Ewok hat).
The Burton Bear Cowl by Heidi May
For my brand new nephew, I made a nephew sweater (thank you Yarn Harlot for planting the seed). Baby sweaters just might be my new favorite thing to knit. So small and sweet. I made the 12 month size so that he could wear it all winter long. In December he was 6 months old and already in 12 month clothing! Tankasaurus, indeed! It does fit him with "some" room to grow.
Hooded Pullover by Lorna Miser
Yarn: Cascade 220 Superwash
Rikke Hat by Sarah Young
Yarn: madelinetosh tosh merino light in Jade
I made two other gifts but failed to take photos of them. For my BIL I knit three purple pouches for him to keep his precious ( ;) ) in. For my mom, I had made a large pocket for her Constant Companion bag but it was too big for the bag. So, I turned it into a clutch. I have never put a zipper in anything before and what an experience that was! I embellished the outside to cover my stitches with braided yarn and buttons. It was super cute and of course my sisters each want one now.
So, there you have it. My handmade holidays!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
My Week in Photos:: Fog vs Mist
This week found me mostly confined to the house. Specifically to the bed and/or my chair. I knew last Monday that something was not quite right with my lower back and my left leg. I ignored it. Bad idea. I should really know better by now. Honestly Fox! By Tuesday night, I was in quite a bit of pain. Uncomfortable standing or sitting. Add a car ride of two hours to Portland and back to the mix and Wednesday morning found me unable to move without excruciating pain. (Sidenote: the party was wonderful.)
Even though I was in pain I still got out and tried to walk. Stephen says that it is really more of a "shuffle". Today finds me feeling much better. Not 100%, but much better.
The weather this week has been incredible! We have not had rain in days. Blue skies and sunshine. Each day, sometimes in the morning, other times the afternoon or early evening there was a magical...fog?...mist?...that blanketed the valley and hills around us.
The blue skies and sunshine I mentioned? Here you go.
Even though I was in pain I still got out and tried to walk. Stephen says that it is really more of a "shuffle". Today finds me feeling much better. Not 100%, but much better.
The weather this week has been incredible! We have not had rain in days. Blue skies and sunshine. Each day, sometimes in the morning, other times the afternoon or early evening there was a magical...fog?...mist?...that blanketed the valley and hills around us.
A few years back, we were here in Oregon on vacation and staying out at the coast. We had a room right on the water. It was early in the fall and the weather was just right for leaving the window open. The sound of the waves crashing lulling us to sleep. I am a very active sleeper. I move a lot. I talk a lot. My dreams are extremely vivid. I also have awful night terrors as well. I am an absolute joy to sleep next to! On this particular night, I woke up and there was a mist covering the ceiling. It was beautiful. I woke Stephen up so that he could share is this magical moment with me.
Me: Babe, wake up. There is a mist covering the ceiling.
Stephen: Mist? Mist? Shit! Do you mean smoke?!?! Is the room on fire?!?!
Me: No, it is a mist! Isn't it beautiful? Don't you see it?
Stephen: No. There is no "mist" on the ceiling. You are asleep.
I saw that mist all night long. No joke. Every time I "opened" my eyes it was there. Beautiful. Mystical. Magical.
So this week I captured many photos of the fog/mist. Fog? Mist? You decide! I see a magical mist.
fog 1 (fôg, f
1. Condensed water vapor in cloudlike masses lying close to the ground and limiting visibility.
mist (m
1. A mass of fine droplets of water in the atmosphere near or in contact with the earth.
The blue skies and sunshine I mentioned? Here you go.
And because I can't help myself. Here are a couple of the kids!
How was your week?
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